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New business area and new strengths for CIBA

We can finally unveil our exciting new initiatives and enhanced offering to both our new and existing clients.'
Going forwards, CIBA will also be able to offer specialist pensions advice.
Our new pension business area will have @Sanne Engvad at the helm as its director. Sanne has more than 20 years of experience from the world of finance, both from the finance sector and most recently from the pension industry, where she was employed in one of Denmark’s largest insurance companies.

CIBA is a specialist brokerage company, and with the expansion of our advisory service to include pensions, we’ll maintain our specialist focus, which is about providing relevant quality advice to our clients.
With our value base and clear goals to serve our clients as well as we can and earn their trust, we now also want to create value in the pension area for both our existing loyal clients and new clients who will join us in the future.

Sanne will be based in the office in Aarhus on a day-to-day basis, where she will put together a strong team of the best pension specialists on the market.
You can reach Sanne by sending an email to sen@ciba.dk or calling +45 60 10 83 10.

We look forward to making the CIBA team even stronger through our co-operation, and to offering our customers even more qualified advice and overviews, now also covering pensions.

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